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Derma-planing is a skin treatment that uses an surgical blade to remove dead skin  cells and vellus hair from your face. 

It can improve your skins surface, providing a smoother, more radiant appearance. Your skin will feel really soft, smooth and will have a perfect base for applying makeup. 

Derma-planing can also help with the following concerns:

  • acne scars
  • dull skin
  • dry skin
  • sun-damaged skin
  • fine wrinkles

We recommend using a minimum of 30 spf after treatment, to protect the skin. 


Will my facial hair grow back thicker? 

As it is vellus hair, which is like the baby hair on your face, it will not grow back thicker or darker. 

Does having derma-planing hurt? 

No, it can actually be a relaxing treatment, as we use a specialist balm, to ensure the blade glides over the skin, whilst effectively removing the skin calls and hair.  

How long dermplaning last? 

We recommend having a derma-planing treatment every 4-6 weeks for maximum results. 


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